I had the opportunity to minister to a woman who came in for prayer because she found a lump in her breast that made her very concerned thinking it to be breast cancer. I began to pray for her and, after a short time, I heard the voice of the Lord saying to me “Ask her to find the lump.” I stopped the prayer and said, “Sister, try to find the lump.” She touched her chest trying to find it but it was gone. She could not find it. Praise God!
But the story does not end here. I heard the voice of the Lord again, and this time, the Lord said, “Tell her now to forgive her ex-husband.” I had no idea she was divorced but I followed the direction of the Lord and I said, “Sister, the Lord is telling me now that you are to release forgiveness to your ex-husband.” Wow! This sweet nice sister turned into another person. She became very mad and very uncomfortable saying, “I am not forgiving him. Stop! I don’t want to go there” and so on. I tried the best I could to explain to this precious woman the importance of releasing forgiveness in her process of freedom and how important it was to God that she forgave in order to get right before God. I even said to her I would leave her alone to talk to God and ask him to give her the strength to forgive and get right before Him based on Mark 11:25-26 which states,
“And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses”
But this woman refused saying that she did not want to do that and this went on for about 10-15 minutes until I heard the voice of the Lord again saying, “Ask her to look for the lump”. I asked and, to our surprise, the lump was back and at that point I could not do anything else to help her with my prayers because she had hardened her heart toward the voice of the Lord and she had given satan the legality to strike her with sickness. I saw that woman going back home with tears rolling down her face and carrying her lump in the breast because of her unwillingness to let go and forgive.
What can we all learn in this story?
1. Prayer alone is not enough to obtain our Miracle. We must PRAY and OBEY the voice of the Lord.
2. It is not about our way. It is all about God’s way. Hardening our hearts toward the voice of the Lord gives enemy a legality to strike with sickness.
3. God is a loving father but He is also a righteous God. “And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses.”~Mark 11:25-26